6 Reasons To Stop Sleeping On The Right Side or Stomach

6 Reasons To Stop Sleeping On The Right Side or Stomach

6 reasons to stop sleeping on the right side or stomach

Bad sleep is the cause of some of the most serious chronic problems such as heartburn and back pain. Although we are all aware of the importance of getting a good night’s sleep, it isn’t just about what’s comfortable. It should be more about what is best for our body. Sleep is dominant or at least it should be a big part of our life, which is why we must rethink our sleep habits.

Buzzworld has discovered how some of the problems we face in waking life may be related to the most common incorrect sleeping positions, such as sleeping on your stomach or on your right side, and why.

1. It causes heartburn.

Stop Sleeping On The Right Side

Lying flat or on your right or on your back can cause or worsen a problem called gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) for anyone who has it. This happens when the acid and contents of the stomach rise into the esophagus. The valve that prevents acid from returning to the outside of the stomach area cannot control reflux due to gravity in these locations as the stomach contents are brought down the esophagus, causing heartburn, distress, acid taste in the mouth, bad breath, and sometimes chest pain.

It is better to:

Sleep on your left side and add an incline to your upper body. This has been shown to help people experiencing GERD feel relief by relieving heartburn. In this sleeping position, the stomach is in the correct position that forces food to remain in the stomach and not to leak into the upper part of the stomach and the esophageal valve to exit.

2. It is very bad for your back and spine

According to the experts, they say that this sleeping position is linked to chronic back pain. The pressure on your back and spine overnight in this position is intense because most of your weight is locked into these body parts. The spine is not aligned in its normal position, so you may sometimes feel numbness or the need to stretch when changing positions.

It is better to:

In the event that you cannot sleep in any other position, you can adjust that sleeping position in a way that helps your spine to bend naturally.Try placing two pillows under your body, one under the sink and the other under your head. However, the best sleeping position for reducing back pain is to do the same while lying on your back or flipped over to your side with a pillow under your head and one between your legs.

3. It can cause chronic neck problems.

Stop Sleeping On The Right Side

When sleeping on your stomach it is impossible to breathe properly if you do not turn your neck to the side. This sleeping position may lead to the development of chronic neck problems, such as a hernia

Discs, because your head and spine are out of alignment and your neck is forced to twist. The bone chain in the spinal cord is protected by discs. Constant poor sleep position can damage the gelatinous parts of these tablets and lead to chronic pain.

It is better to:

Sleeping on your back is the normal position for your whole body. Doctors would suggest this position for people who suffer from chronic spine pain from arthritis. You’d better sleep with a small slope under your neck with a sponge pad. In order to completely reduce the weight and pressure from your neck, you can try a pillow under each arm as well.

4. It can put extra stress on the baby.

If you are about to become a mother, then you urgently need to be extra careful about your sleep habits, not just for your baby, but for your health and well-being as well. Sleeping on your stomach is the first position you should avoid because the extra weight in the middle of your body puts a lot of pressure on your spine. Moreover, this position does not give your child the space he needs to move freely because he is simply trapped between the bed and the spine as well.

It is better to:

Doctors advise all pregnant women to try to sleep on their left side because this position increases blood flow and also provides both mother and baby with maximum oxygen levels.

5. It can cause facial wrinkles.

Stop Sleeping On The Right Side

Of course, sleeping on one side of your face on a pillow is inevitable when sleeping on your stomach or on your side. Studies have shown that this is the worst thing you can do to your face because applying pressure to either side of the skin of your face can over time cause facial wrinkles.

It is better to:

To avoid wrinkles, sleeping on your back is the best solution. Your face is not pushed against the pillow, your skin pores are able to breathe, and you are avoiding pressure in any way.

6. It adds unnecessary pressure on your breasts and can cause problems.

Stop Sleeping On The Right Side

Since you are a woman, it is really important to know which position to avoid in order to have healthy breasts. Experts say that with a prone position, you put unnecessary pressure on your chest which in some cases can cause pain. On the other hand, sleeping on your side can cause the breasts to sag over time, because gravity naturally pulls them down.

It is better to:

Try sleeping on your back. This will also help you keep your breasts relaxed, without adding any additional pressure to your chest.

Bonus: Enjoy better heart health by sleeping on your left side.

Favouring the left side sleeping position is better for your heart function. As the doctor explains, in this position, the heart works more efficiently and comfortably, since due to gravity the greatest workload is eliminated. This also leads to smoother blood circulation.

Getting a good night’s sleep is crucial. What is your preferred sleeping position? Do you have certain habits that help you get the most comfort?