Perricone 3 Day Diet
Dr Nicholas Perricone established a solid link between diet and the quality and appearance of your skin.
Inflammation and Diet
According to Perricone wrinkles and other skincare, issues are actually the result of inflammation caused by poor eating habits and irritating skin care treatments.
Through research, trial and error, Dr Perricone has perfected a 3-day diet program which will make you a true believer. Imagine better looking facial skin in only 3 days.
The basic revelation for Dr Perricone was that lack of high-quality protein and the right fats in the average diet cause the breakdown of cells.
These proteins and fats not only prevent skin damage at the cell level but also are capable of repairing the damage.
Cell damage causes inflammation at the smallest skin level – the cell. You have billions of cells in your skin. As they become inflamed during the body’s digestive process, they form wrinkles, discolouration and other signs of ageing.
Eating the right foods avoids these digestive problems and so you avoid the wrinkles and other signs of ageing.
In his book, The Perricone Prescription, he outlines this core eating plan.
“Each day, you must consume:
- Eight to ten glasses of water
- Three meals, evenly spaced throughout the day (always eat protein first)
- Two snacks, one mid-afternoon and one between dinner and bedtime (again, protein first). Each snack must contain one of my recommended sources of protein, carbohydrate, and fat in the form of omega-3 and omega-6 essential fatty acids.”
Perricone gives you an exact menu for you three days. You have no guesswork involved. Everything is laid out for you. He even gives you a shopping list.
Does it work?
Amazingly it does. Be sure to take your own before and after pictures. I believe almost everyone will see a difference with just a 3-day diet.
A good time to try this diet is over the weekend. Get your ingredients together and start the Perricone 3 day diet on a Saturday morning. One note, the primary source of protein in this diet is salmon.
If you don’t like salmon you can substitute low-sodium canned tuna. If you just can’t stand either of these, maybe this isn’t for you.
If the Perricone 3 day diet works for you, the follow on diet is a 28-day program that is much more varied. In fact, the three-day diet is really a “fast start” program. If you need to avoid the salmon but still want the fantastic benefits for your complexion, you may want to consider skipping the 3-day program and going on with the 28-day program from the start.
Is the Perricone 3 day diet a weight loss program? Not strictly speaking. It is designed for skincare, but if you are overweight, the sensible portions in this program will most likely lead to weight loss.
What happens after 28 days?
Other than your skin looking better and being healthier, the 28-day program is designed to be a plan you can stay on as long as you want. It is a healthy, nutritionally balanced diet.
Here are some of the foods Perricone wants you to avoid:
- Tofu frozen dessert
- French baguette
- Gluten-free bread
- Instant rice
- Rice Chex cereal
- Hamburger buns
- Pretzels
- Waffles
- Corn chips
- Bagels
Here are some of the foods Perricone wants you to enjoy:
- Almonds
- Apples
- Berries
- Cantaloupe
- Chicken
- Crabmeat
- Egg Whites
- Low-fat milk
- Flounder
- Lobster
- Oatmeal
- Scallops
- Shrimp
- Tea
- Turkey
A final key fact that I will quote from “The Perricone Prescription”
“We can not store protein in our bodies. If you want to keep your face and body firm, toned, lithe and supple, you need to provide it with a fresh supply of high-quality protein every day. That’s three meals a day and two snacks.“