Why We Suddenly Jolt Awake When We’re Falling Asleep

Falling Asleep

Why We Suddenly Jolt Awake When We’re Falling Asleep

Everyone may have experienced a sleep jerk or started falling asleep at some point in their life. It’s the moment you wake up due to the sudden movement of your muscles.

It can range from small spasms to large spasms, which is what makes you sit up straight in your bed. Although we usually fall asleep again after a while, it leaves us wondering how this might happen.

We studied this topic for you and he wants to shed some light on why we suddenly jumped out of our bed before drifting off to sleep.

Your mind is usually paralyzed during sleep.

Falling Asleep

First, it is important to understand why we do not move during our sleep normally. Because even when we have lucid dreams, we wake up in exactly the same place where we start. This is caused by chemicals released in the brain that stop the cells that allow muscles to function.
So your body muscles remain paralyzed, even though your brain is actively working.

This is done by switching between consciousness and sleepiness.

Falling Asleep

Let’s take a look at what is really happening in the brain, to understand why sometimes we don’t seem to be completely paralyzed. There are two main systems that control normal life. The first is called the retinal activation system and it is the part that governs basic physiological processes, such as breathing. When this is in full force, then we feel awake and uncomfortable – we are awake. Interfering with this system is the abdominal preoperative nucleus, which leads to drowsiness. This part of the brain releases chemicals that stop your ability to move your muscles. When you go to sleep now, your mind switches from consciousness to drowsiness. But that doesn’t work like an “on and off” switch. In fact, you can think of it as a sliding mechanism that goes from one to the other.

But your brain sometimes struggles for control between the real world and the dream world.

So, this transition doesn’t always go smoothly.

Your mind fights for control between the real world and the dream world when there is an imbalance. So when you dream of kicking a soccer ball, for example, this suddenly may translate to actually kicking your partner in bed. It doesn’t always wake you up, but it will when the movement is intense enough.

This may be related to our main reactions.

Falling Asleep

One of the common ideas about why these orgasms are during sleep is that they are a by-product of our development. When you sleep high in trees it may be an old-fashioned reflex that warns you of relaxing the muscles. The brain misinterprets relaxation as a sign that the sleeping primates are falling from a tree and thus causing the muscles to respond quickly as a warning system.

Sleeping orgasms are considered normal until they start to cause anxiety.

Sleeping jolts are not necessary because it is considered completely natural. But people can focus on it, which can cause anxiety. This, again, can lead to discomfort when it happens often – especially for your bed partner. This increased anxiety and insomnia can lead to more sleep orgasms, and this leads to a feedback loop that is considered positive. If this is happening to you, it may be best for you to see a sleep specialist see what you can do about it.

Have you ever experienced Falling Asleep on your own? How do you deal with this situation?