11 superfoods for people over 50
The secret does not lie in the fact that as we get older, our bodies begin to decompose. Some of the activities we once enjoyed have become so intense, and anymore, some of our favorite foods may not match us well. Fortunately, to be able to slow down the aging process there are all kinds of changes.
One of the best things you can do to prolong your life and remain as healthy and energetic as possible is to eat a very balanced diet.
There are some foods that are good for you at any age, but they have benefits for those over the age of 50 in particular. You can enjoy eating all of these delicious options. In fact, number 10 is actually candy!
So join us as we review 11 superfoods that will make you look and feel like in your golden years that you are in the prime of your youth.
1. Beans

The risk of problems like type 2 diabetes and high cholesterol increases as we approach middle age. Adding beans to your daily diet is a great way to eliminate this risk. Taking just half a cup of beans or lentils each day reduces bad cholesterol (LDL) by up to 5%. Beans also help people who already have diabetes improve blood sugar levels.
There is an impressive range of beans and lentils out there, so you should be able to find one or two that you really like. But first of all, remember one thing which is if you choose canned beans, it is best to rinse them before eating because canned foods are high in sodium.
2. Oats
Once men reach the age of 45 and women reach 55, the risk of heart disease is one of the measures of health that rises dramatically, so it is considered better the more cholesterol-lowering foods you can include in your diet. So oats are great for this type of soluble fiber called beta-glucan.
Soluble fiber binds to cholesterol during digestion by allowing it to leave the body, instead of staying in the arteries.
Every day, you should eat at least 3 grams of beta-glucan to reduce both total cholesterol and LDL cholesterol levels by 5-10%. It’s worth it – it has been shown that people who eat more oats are less likely to die prematurely than people who don’t. Since oatmeal is a very basic ingredient within everyone’s reach, there is no excuse for not having the habit.
3. Apples

For many reasons, good old apples are a wonderful nutrient. Apples reduce the risk of diabetes by helping to regulate blood sugar levels. It contains an average of 5 grams of fiber, which can lower cholesterol. Also, apples contain a substance called quercetin, which is known to lower blood pressure.
Apples are also a very reliable source of vitamin C, potassium and antioxidants. However, apples do feature pesticide residue on the Dirty Dozen list, so if you can tolerate the organic product it is a better product.
4. Nuts

Resisting an occasional salty snack can be tough, but when it comes in chips or crackers, then you end up eating an insane amount of saturated fat and sodium. Instead, try nuts. According to studies, eating an ounce of mixed nuts daily has been shown to reduce the risk of heart attack and stroke by 28%.
It does not have to be mixed with nuts; Any kind you want, including peanuts, at a reasonable price. You can eat nuts in a handful or chop and roast them as an excellent casserole and crunchy addition to salads or grilled vegetables.
5. Leafy greens
According to what we talked about before about foods that improve cardiovascular health as well as metabolism, but the question is what about the strength of your mind? Hence the role of leafy greens. According to recent research, it has been determined that people who eat a lot of leafy greens such as spinach, kale, or cabbage, compare with people under the age of 11 in cognitive ability with people who rarely eat these foods.
Among the caveats is that leafy greens do not mix well with the blood-thinning Coumadin, so if you are taking this medication talk to your doctor about the correct portion size.
6. Berries
Berries for the brain are another great brain booster, as they include berries of all kinds. This type of fruit is very rich in certain phytochemicals that are believed to increase blood flow to the brain while reducing inflammation at the same time.
The result is a slower decline in age-related memory as well as a decrease in the risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease. Berries are also generally considered wonderful due to their high fiber content and group of minerals and vitamins. If throughout the year you cannot get your hands on fresh berries, then frozen can be fine.
7. Yogurt
We have your brain, and your internal systems are constantly working. But the question is, what about your muscle strength? The answer, then, is getting enough protein, and yogurt (especially the Greek varieties) can be a great source. Lean body mass in later years tends to decrease, and according to studies, it has been indicated that spreading your daily protein intake throughout the day can slow this process.
8. Carrots
Let’s go look at the islands since we’re talking superfoods. Here is a vegetable that may benefit every part of your body, especially the eyes, heart, mouth, and skin. Carrots reduce blood pressure and bad cholesterol and boost the immune system. Carrots reduce the risk of cancer and heart disease, as well as blood vessels as well as support the digestive process.
The reason carrots are so good for you is because of their unique nutritional properties, which include fiber and vitamins like vitamins A, B8, C, E, and K, minerals like iron, potassium, copper, manganese, and several types of antioxidants, including there. Beta-carotene.
9. Beetroot

Beetroot is another type of root vegetable with a varied nutritional formula. When you take it regularly it will provide you with plenty of vitamins A and C, as well as folate, fiber and minerals such as calcium, potassium, manganese, and iron. It is full of antioxidants that can reduce the risk of cancer.
10. Avocado

Avocados are expensive and have recently been blamed as the reason why millennials cannot afford to buy homes (which is not all). But it is also a very delicious source of nearly 20 vitamins and minerals, such as potassium, copper, and vitamins B, C, E, and K.
Eating avocados on a regular basis ensures that you are getting enough heart-healthy monounsaturated fats and maintaining optimal blood pressure.
11. Dark chocolate

Is there anyone who loves sweets and wants it? We will not tell you to stay away from the sweets, rather we will encourage you to eat more dark chocolate. Somewhere in the range of 30-60 grams per day can actually lower cholesterol and blood pressure, improve brain acuity, as well as protect your skin from sun damage (but use sunscreen regularly).
It is considered best to at least choose the chocolate containing 70% cocoa to get the most benefit and the least sugar. Do so and you will get a nice daily dose of potassium, zinc, phosphorous, iron, copper, magnesium, manganese, and selenium. Eating chocolate releases mood-lightening endorphins, which is what makes you feel good.
Still, feeling hungry? On our menu, there are several foods that go beautifully with a meal that you can feel good about eating. Yogurt or oatmeal with some berries makes for a strong breakfast. For lunch, we recommend that you try a salad of leafy greens, carrots, and avocados, as well as toasted nuts. And for dinner, try having some beans and brown rice with a nice piece of dark chocolate for dessert.
You should feel free to mix these 11 superfoods and match them with other sources of protein that are fat-free, as well as whole grains and dairy products, in order to design a balanced diet that makes you feel and look youthful throughout your life.
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